Birth control is more accessible than ever before
The FDA has approved Opill, an oral contraceptive, to be sold over-the-counter at retail stores and online. This decision offers millions of women the opportunity to have safe and effective birth control without needing a prescription. Dr. Carolyn Sufrin, an OGBYN at Johns Hopkins University, says this is a massive step for healthcare, but worries about the cost and insurance factors.
Psychedelic drugs may help brain development
Research published in the journal Nature reveals that these substances can reopen critical periods in the brain that influence development. These critical periods occur when we learn a new language or relearn motor skills after an accident. The drugs also offer longer windows, from two days to four weeks, for that period of sensitivity. scientists believe these drugs can be used to treat stroke, deafness, and PTSDÂ (Johns Hopkins University).
New plastic could help recycling efforts
Scientists have created a new type of plastic that degrades in the same amount of time as a banana peel. They’re made completely from spirulina powder and have similar properties to the single-use, petroleum derived products we use every day. Spirulina is already used in food and beauty products, but it’s natural and fire-resistant properties make it ideal for replacing our current plastics (University of Washington).
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