Why Are Men Skipping Their Annual Checkups?
A recent survey by Orlando Health finds that many men overestimate how healthy they are, prompting one-third of them to skip their annual health screening.
A recent survey by Orlando Health finds that many men overestimate how healthy they are, prompting one-third of them to skip their annual health screening.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome has baffled the scientific community for years. What causes the condition is still unknown, though media headlines for a recent SIDS study would make you think differently.
Some people who have not yet gotten the Covid vaccine are simply afraid of the needle. Bad childhood experience can keep people from receiving necessary medical treatments. A needle-phobic and a physician explain how parents should discuss injections with their children from a young age.
Despite social distancing, experts say people are increasingly “hooking up.” Sexually transmitted diseases are growing as a result. An expert discusses STDs in a pandemic.
With the federal government’s crackdown on undocumented immigrants, many of them are skipping going to the doctor or the emergency room for fear of deportation.
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