Your bad mood is probably connected to your sleep.
Surprisingly, even a good night’s rest can result in irritation during the day. Research shows that if your sleep cycle isn’t aligned with your internal clock, it drastically effects mood. thankfully, the opposite is also true – meaning that you have control over waking up on the right side of the bed. The study is published in the journal NPJ Digital Medicine. (University of Michigan)
Need surgery? Over-the-counter medication may be your best option for pain management.
New research in The Journal Of The American Dental Association compared the effectiveness of different drugs after wisdom teeth extractions. The results reveal that a combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen made participants feel better than an opioid combination. This finding allows patients to receive better pain relief while reducing the risk of opioid addiction. (University of Rochester)
The hidden risks of kidney disease.
Infections are a major cause of death for people with kidney disease and new research reveals exactly why. a study in Nature Communications shows that the illness kills off ‘b’ cells, which are the white blood cells that kill microbes. With reduced numbers of these immune cells, patients are unable to fight of viruses like the flu. (Stony Brook University)
Shortened winter days may be better for our health.
A mouse study in Cell Metabolism shows that mice that followed winter light hours had less body weight gain and more rhythmic eating habits. This led to better overall metabolic health in the animals. This research could help reveal a deeper understanding of human hunger pathways and cravings. (University of Copenhagen)
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