Medicine in the Third World is vastly different than in the US, and American doctors sometimes run into unexpected hurdles when they try to bring modern medicine to impoverished nations. One such doctor describes his efforts.
Guest Information:
- Dr. Aaron Berkowitz, Director of Global Health, Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine and author, One By One By One: Making a Small Difference Amid a Billion Problems
Bob McCoy
Yes third world medicine is vastly different.And that is why third world doctors should not be imported into western countries and permitted to “treat” western patients.Many countries,notably Britain,have developed an enormous problem with medical incompetence and sexual misconduct associated with third world doctors.It’s not only a costly challenge to integrate clearly inferior and often predatory doctors,many of whom have internalized resentment of westerners,into an already overburdened medical service,but it is also putting western patients in danger.This is a much bigger concern than trying to bring western medicine into impoverished nations.