Can we stop the progression of pancreatic cancer?
Pancreatic cancer is expected to be the second leading cause of cancer deaths by 2030. It spreads quickly and is hard to manage due to the tumor’s unique biological makeup. However, an investigation in Cell Reports revealed the tumor’s genetic changes as it spreads through the body. This new information has led to the discovery of an experimental drug that could halt this process and stop the cancer from migrating (University of Rochester).
Is it time for parents to be selfish?
In the early days of parenting, there’s many sleepless nights, forgotten meals, and sick days that we power through because our children need us…but neglecting our own well being may actually be hurting our kids. A study published in Frontiers In Psychology has found that young kids with fathers who have mild anxious or depression symptoms report fewer behavioral difficulties and better scores on a standardized IQ test. More research is needed to reveal the factors that connect these two observations (McGill University).
Science is taking muscle repair to the next level
Skeletal muscles are one of the most regenerative organ systems we have, but when faced with something more serious, our body could use some help. Research published in Nature Cell Biology has identified a key gene used in muscle repair that brings us one step closer to lab-made muscles. The scientists hope to move this research into fixing rotator cuff tears, before advancing into more difficult challenges, like genetic muscular diseases (UC Irvine).
Concussions may trigger mental health issues
A study published in the Journal of Athletic Training studied how this brain injury is connected to suicide. Researchers found that male teens who’ve had two or more concussions in the past year are more likely to report having suicidal thoughts, planning, and attempts than male teens with one or no concussions. The risk of suicidal behavior seems to be the same for female teens regardless of brain injury (University of Michigan).
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