Some people still have fears of the coronavirus vaccine. One reason is reports of a blood clot disorder called CVST in some Johnson & Johnson vaccine recipients. Now a study in the journal Stroke shows that people are much more likely to develop this disorder if they’re infected with Covid-19… In fact, eight to 10 times more likely than with the vaccine. Either way, the number of people getting clots is very low. Of the 500,000 patients diagnosed with Covid-19 during the study, only 20 were also diagnosed with CVST. And none who were vaccinated developed the disorder.
Do you get migraines? Eating fish might be the solution. A study published in the British Medical Journal shows that eating less vegetable oils and more fish can help reduce the number of migraines, and their severity. Researchers say if you reduce the amount of vegetable oils in your diet and replace them with the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, you can reduce migraine pains by 30 to 40 percent.
And finally… your sense of taste may be keeping you from making healthier food choices. A study in the journal Nature Human Behavior says the brain considers how something will taste twice as quickly as how healthy it might be. That means you’re more likely to pick the sugary snack over fruits or vegetables when given the choice. However, people who slow down their decision-making and take their time typically pick more nutritious food.
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