Several studies have found little heart benefit in taking daily aspirin if you don’t already have heart disease… But a new study shows that nearly 30 million people over age 40 are taking aspirin for their hearts anyway. Harvard researchers writing in Annals of Internal Medicine say about 20 percent of those people decided to do it themselves without the say-so of their doctors. with no benefit and an increased bleeding risk… researchers say they should immediately stop. only those who’ve already had a heart attack are good candidates for daily aspirin.
Drowning is America’s leading cause of accidental injury death for children under age five… But the drowning rate is dropping dramatically. The statistical analysis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds that nationally, the drowning rate for kids under age 14 has declined to only about a third what it was in the early 80’s. experts say regulations requiring fencing around swimming pools get much of the credit. In California, where pool fencing laws are the strongest in the world, the child drowning rate has declined by 75 percent
And finally… If mosquitoes feast on you, it’s because of your breath. A study in the journal Current Biology shows that mosquitoes home in on their victims by the carbon dioxide in their breath. and they can detect it from more than 100 feet away.
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