Will gyms be filled with older adults looking to workout their brain soon?
Gyms may soon be filled with older adults looking to workout their brain. According to a study in JAMA Network Open, low muscle mass can lead to a rapid decline in mental cognition. With less blood flow to our brain, critical abilities like decision-making and attention span suffer. Building muscle mass increases blood flow and helps our brains maintain proper functioning.
Hospitals are using AI to detect early symptoms of sepsis
Artificial intelligence could diagnose your next illness. Hospitals are now using AI technology to detect early symptoms of sepsis. According to research in the journal, Nature Medicine, this new method is about six hours faster than standard methods of diagnosis. This buys patients life-saving time they need to survive a condition that kills 30 percent of the people who contract it. Researchers say this tech could help prevent thousands of deaths each year.
Parental alcoholism could affect children more than you think
And finally… parental alcoholism may affect your children more than you know. A study in the journal, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, reveals that having an alcohol-addicted parent increases the chances of the child developing their own addiction to substances like processed foods and tobacco. Researchers say that while public health initiatives have successfully reduced exposure to various harmful substances, it’s time to add highly processed foods to that list.
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