When should you get a mammogram?
Breast cancer diagnoses are rising in younger women. Because of this, the United States Preventive Services Task Force has announced a new recommendation. Women should now be getting regular mammograms starting at age 40, instead of the previous standard of age 50. This change will cover more than 20 million women in the U.S., giving them a better chance of catching cancer before it can spread.
Can science regrow missing limbs?
Scientists are hoping to cure birth defects and traumatic injuries using bioelectricity — electrical signals that tell our cells how to rebuild themselves. Michael Levin is a biologist at the forefront of this research and has tested the idea on frogs and flatworms. He thinks this will soon be the future of regenerative medicine.
Proper chewing may help people with type 2 diabetes
A retrospective study in PLOS One researched the relation between chewing and blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Researchers found that patients who couldn’t chew well due to missing teeth had two percent higher levels of blood glucose than those who could properly eat. Just 1% of difference is associated with an increased risk for heart disease and other complications such as eye damage (University of Buffalo).
Airplanes may be ruining your sleep
Research in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives shows that people exposed to aircraft noise are less likely to get a full night’s rest. Even low levels comparable to the noise of a regular conversation can cause disruption. However, the researchers didn’t find any correlation between airplane noise and the quality of sleep (Boston University School of Public Health).
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