Are masks affecting how our brains function?
A researcher analyzed more than three thousand chess players before Covid-19, and then again during the pandemic. He discovered that wearing a mask significantly reduced the players’ performance. the results, published in PNAS, show that the masks provided an annoyance that distracted the players, but people were able to adapt to them over time. The negative effects of wearing a mask went away about after six hours of playing.
Getting a tattoo may be good for your health.
A new electronic tattoo is extremely thin and attaches to the palm of your hand. The technology connects directly to a smart watch and monitors the wearer’s emotional stress. Researchers say the material is nearly invisible and so discreet that some participants forgot they were even wearing it. This e-tattoo design appears in a study published in Nature Communications.
Can our genes predict the future?
While substance use has been thought to be genetic, researchers have finally discovered more than two thousand genes that forecast a person’s alcohol and tobacco use. After analyzing more than three million people, researchers identified genes associated with the initial substance use, regular consumption, and even the amount of alcohol or tobacco a person consumes. The results are published in the journal Nature.
It’s time to take your Sunday morning crossword seriously.
A new paper published in NEJM Evidence tested how crossword puzzles can improve cognitive function. Researchers discovered that solving a game of medium difficulty works better at improving your brain performance than other cognitive games. The results also show a decrease in brain shrinkage for those who completed 12 weeks of computerized crossword puzzle training.
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