Will the next generations have affordable healthcare?
New research published in JAMA analyzed employer-provided health insurance – which is used by 61 percent of working-age adults. Both men and women report almost all healthcare services to be less affordable in recent years. The authors have found that the rising costs of healthcare and out of pocket expenses are outpacing employee insurance policies.
Do our eyes work better in the dark?
Amblyopia, also known as lazy eye, occurs when the brain can’t recognize sight in one eye. A pilot study in eLife tested a therapy called transient dark exposure to possibly correct the issue. The treatment first removes any blockages from the patient’s eye before they live in darkness for a few days. The process aims to reboot the brain’s ocular mechanisms so that it can recognize signals from both eyes. This mice study showed significant improvements in vision without any lasting negative impacts from the dark exposure.
Your ‘natural’ skin products may be agitating your allergies.
Research published in JAMA Dermatology discovered that 94 percent of the products they tested for sensitive skin included allergens. the FDA doesn’t have one exact definition of ‘natural’, meaning that companies can use the label on misleading products.
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