How Poor Healthcare In Prison Affects You And The Rest Of America
Our expert discusses the obstacles many prisoners face when in need of medical care.
The Flexner Report: The Necessary But Shameful Past Of Medicine
Our expert explains how one report changed the course of education, but also had disastrous consequences for certain populations.
Medical Notes: How Music Can Alter Memories, Bacteria May Cause Mental Illness, And The Decline Of Teen Drug Abuse
Our experts explain exactly how scientific medicine came out on top.
From Heroic Medicine To Herbalism – The History Of Medicine In America
Our experts explain exactly how scientific medicine came out on top.
Becoming The Disorder: How A Misdiagnosis Changed One Woman’s Life
Fay explains the steps she took to be her own advocate and finally receive the answers she’s been seeking for decades.
Medical Notes: How The Food Industry Exploits Additive Loopholes, The Medical Magic Of Fish Oil, And Why You Should Cry More Often
Some food additives are extremely harmful, so why are they allowed in our products? Here are some beauty products to skip if you’re pregnant.Are you eating enough fish? Have you cried today?
A Promising Treatment For Spinal Cord Injuries
Our expert discusses a new option that, if FDA approved, could be a gamechanger for patients.
Religious OCD: The Fine Line Between Religious Devotion And Mental Illness
Our expert explains the signs and symptoms, as well as the treatment that can help get patients back into a healthy relationship with their religion.
Medical Notes: Pesticides Increase Risk Of Stillbirth, The Power Of Placebo, And How Rosemary Extract Fights Against Cocaine Addiction
Pesticides may increase the risk of stillbirth. Can a common kitchen herb fight against cocaine addiction? Though covid cases are increasing, long-term symptoms aren’t. Can a placebo pill work just as well as anxiety medication?
Advice From A Life Coach: How To Feel More Fulfilled In Life
Our expert shares the top questions you need to ask before hiring a coach, and offers some quick tips on how to find satisfaction in your own life.
The Mozart Effect: How Music Could Reduce Seizures
Our expert shares the surprising results of her own research and the future of music therapy.
Medical Notes: Harmful Gummy Vitamins, How Cancer Spreads, And Futuristic Earbuds
We finally have more clues to how breast cancer spreads. Gummy vitamins fill the aisles at grocery stores, but they can create a sticky situation for your teeth. How common is long covid? New earbuds don’t just play music– they can also detect when you’re falling asleep.
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