Always Running Late? You May Be a Victim of ‘Time Blindness’
People with ADHD often have a weaker perception of time, called 'time blindness.' Experts discuss the condition and give time management tips.
People with ADHD often have a weaker perception of time, called 'time blindness.' Experts discuss the condition and give time management tips.
Traumatic brain injury can profoundly change the injured in personality and temperament, as well as physically and cognitively. Spouses bear the brunt of these changes to the point many feel like they’re living with a stranger. Two experts and the spouse of a TBI victim discuss the many ways life changes after an injury and what can help to get them through …
Knee replacements are successful for 80 percent of recipients, yet many assume the success rate should be higher. Those who are not successful often are bitterly disappointed. However, patients and physicians can take steps to avoid a bad result. New techniques also offer much faster recovery. Experts discuss.
Someone who is always late for everything and never finishes any project on time is often labeled as irresponsible, lazy, or purposely insulting. But they may be suffering from a brain abnormality called time blindness that’s often a part of ADHD, with often sad consequences.
Polycystic ovary syndrome affects about 10% of American women, but has such a wide variety of troubling symptoms that it’s often misdiagnosed. Experts discuss the disorder and what women should know.
Knee replacements are successful for 80 percent of recipients, yet many assume the success rate should be higher. Those who are not successful often are bitterly disappointed. However, patients and physicians can take steps to avoid a bad result. New techniques also offer much faster recovery. Experts discuss.
Controversy has broken out over the doctor's traditional white lab coat and necktie. Some doctors say physicians should wear short sleeves instead because coats carry germs. Others maintain the white coat isn't a germ colony, but rather is a source of comfort for patients. Experts discuss.
The body uses extra calories to stay warm in cold conditions, creating heath through thermogenesis. However, it's only recently that scientists have discovered one of the mechanisms the body uses for this--brown fat. Now they're learning how to harness brown fat for weight loss. Experts discuss.
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