Does A Good Bedside Manner Save Lives?
Dr. Wes Ely gives us a unique look into how physicians can humanize patients in the ICU and, in turn, save more lives.
External link for more info: Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC)
Dr. Wes Ely gives us a unique look into how physicians can humanize patients in the ICU and, in turn, save more lives.
Experts discuss a promising new treatment approach and how to fix the root cause of NOWS.
Public health agencies have issued safety recommendations, but with growing mistrust in these institutions, will anyone heed the advice? An expert discusses how the pandemic helped foster this rocky relationship.
Medicine in intensive care units has become so technically focused that many doctors believe they’ve lost their connection with the humanity of patients, and a high degree of patients are experiencing post intensive care syndrome.
Many experts believe we have missed our chance to eliminate Covid-19, and that now it is very likely to become an endemic disease--one that persists, though at lower levels, and never goes away. Two noted infectious disease experts discuss what that means for precautions and lifestyles in perpetuity.
Millions of Americans cannot afford the medications they’ve been prescribed. Many skip doses, split pills or don’t fill prescriptions at all as a result, with sometimes even fatal consequences. Experts discuss the problem and what patients can do to save.
Americans have waited anxiously for the Covid-19 vaccine. Now that it’s being rapidly deployed, how much will it change life for those who’ve received it? Experts answer.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicts that a new, more contagious version of Covid-19 will become the predominant strain by March, testing the new vaccine’s effectiveness. At the same time, researchers are trying to find ways to get the vaccine to more people more quickly by lengthening time between doses, with unknown results. Infectious …
New Covid-19 vaccines won’t be available for most people until spring, and the months until then may have a staggering cost in lives and illness. A noted infectious disease expert discusses probable time lines and events between now and the vaccine’s availability, and how adherence to social distancing and masking could change outcomes.
A Covid-19 vaccine is on the horizon, but while billions have been spent on its development, little has been spent on distribution and there are still many unanswered questions. Experts discuss how vaccine distribution might be carried out, how long it’s likely to take, and the steps needed to make it work.
Many Americans remain confused about what they should do and why. One of the nation’s most authoritative infectious disease experts discusses.
Most people associate cirrhosis of the liver with heavy alcohol use. But nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which also leads to cirrhosis, is growing rapidly, and may affect a quarter of the population. Experts discuss this silent disease and what people can do to prevent and treat it.
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