You’re Being Influenced By Political Ads – Here’s How They’re Doing It
Our experts break down the psychology behind these advertisements – including the reason behind why we’re seeing so many more negative ones.
External link for more info: Columbia University
Our experts break down the psychology behind these advertisements – including the reason behind why we’re seeing so many more negative ones.
Whether you lost your father recently or years ago, Father’s Day can be hard. Dr. Hafeez offers advice on how to use it for healing and growth.
Experts explain what the statistics point to as the underlying cause of mass violence.
Dr. Scott Kaufman discusses the different forms of selfishness and why setting boundaries can be the best way to grow a relationship
In the future, robots may be brushing your teeth; Air pollution is taking years off of life expectancy; Can gardening help ease symptoms of anxiety and depression?; And finally…has zoom hindered creativity?
Everyone grieves differently, but some can become completely debilitated by their sorrow for years. The American Psychiatric Association recently recognized this type of grief as a diagnosis called prolonged grief disorder.
Many children born after the start of the pandemic score lower in child development than children born before. Researchers explain possible theories for these children’s slower development scores.
Grief is unfortunately more common during the Covid-19 pandemic. But many people don’t know what to do when their pain does not follow the road map they expect--the well-known five stages of grief. Two experts on grief discuss what can happen under various scenarios when a loved one dies, and what people can do to make it through their pain.
One of the most popular searches on Google is for symptoms and what they mean. It’s created a much more well informed patient population, but one that may panic at the least pain or discomfort.
The recent rash of extreme weather worldwide, which has killed hundreds, is making scientists wonder if we have reached a turning point more quickly than we thought. Experts explain how climate change results in droughts, floods, and other severe weather and the signals it provides of danger immediately ahead.
Studies show that as many as a third of people who were very ill with Covid-19 later develop PTSD. Caregivers and health care workers may be afflicted as well. An expert discusses how this develops and what people can do to get better.
An expert author details the discovery of hormones and how our growing knowledge has shaped treatment of many diseases and conditions.
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