What You Need To Know About Your Baby’s Flat Head
Peter Taub, a professor of pediatrics, says plagiocephaly ("flat head syndrome") isn’t a syndrome at all and doesn’t cause any neurologic symptoms.
Peter Taub, a professor of pediatrics, says plagiocephaly ("flat head syndrome") isn’t a syndrome at all and doesn’t cause any neurologic symptoms.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome has baffled the scientific community for years. What causes the condition is still unknown, though media headlines for a recent SIDS study would make you think differently.
Each year, some 400 U.S. children over age one, most of them toddlers, die for no known reason. Families, longing for answers, often find that their families, friends, and even pediatricians are unfamiliar with this classification of death, or that they even occur. Family members who have lost a child, a medical examiner, and a research expert who has lost a …
Since the beginning of the “baby on back” movement to reduce sudden infant death syndrome, many more infants are developing misshapen heads with a flat spot in one place. An expert discusses whether this is serious.
Since the beginning of the “baby on back” movement to reduce sudden infant death syndrome, many more infants are developing misshapen heads with a flat spot in one place. An expert discusses whether this is serious, how it can be treated with a helmet-like device, and how it might be prevented.
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