Medical Notes: Week of September 1, 2019
Death rates due to heart failure have been increasing since 2012 despite improvements in medicine and surgery. Then, Binge drinking is often seen as a problem among college students and 20-somethings… but a study in the journal of the American Geriatrics Society finds that a lot of senior citizens binge drink, too. Then, ACL tears have traditionally been thought of as the result of one bad landing… but new research in the American Journal of Sports Medicine finds they may be the product of an accumulation of repeated, less severe stresses. Then, If you’ve ever done shift work, you know how it can mess up your body clock. But two new studies in the journal “current biology” find that early morning sunshine and a couple of good breakfasts can reset it. And finally, if you have a generic smartphone charger, it could be time to get rid of it.