Rates of suicide are at an all-time high
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has announced that deaths by suicide in the U.S. are the highest they’ve been in more than 80 years. Although there’s been a decline in young adult deaths, older adult males continue to be the group with the highest risk. Experts believe we need to increase access to mental health services and implement national policies that address large inequities between races and age groups. (Boston University)
Was your wristwatch prescribed by your doctor?
A new wearable device continuously monitors the user’s heart to accurately detect an irregular heartbeat – which increases the risk of stroke. The current method of detection is through electrocardiograms, which are patches applied to the chest, but doctors say the future of heart management is on the wrist. Scientists created this device to reduce the number of healthy patients flooding doctor offices with false positives. The research is published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. (University of Michigan)
Is your brain shrinking?
Research published in Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science shows that smoking cigarettes kills brain tissue. This finding could explain why smokers are more at risk for Alzheimer’s disease and instances of cognitive decline. This direct link also means that the more a person smokes, the more their brain is damaged. The good news is that quitting the bad habit will prevent further brain loss, however, it still won’t restore the lost tissue.
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